وصلني بعض الرسائل من فتيات اعربن عن رغبتهن في كتابة ارائهم على هذا الموقع، حيث يحول لهم إسماع أصواتهن بطريقة مباشرة لأسباب مختلفة. وبما أن هدف هذه الصفحة توفير الميكرفون، فمن هنا، 31.12.2010 - سوف تتضمن المقالات والأفكار على هذا الموقع أصوات متعدة، كل منها متبوع بلقب كاتبته. الدعوة مفتوحة لم ارادت أن تقول شيئاً ها هنا بإرسال بريد إلكتروني على عنوان محررة هذا الموقع،لانا ناصر
I have received a few letters from women expressing their desire to publish their articles and thoughts on this site. They are unable to make their voices heard otherwise, for various reasons. Since the aim of this page is to provide a 'microphone', from today onwards, December 31,2010, this site will include the voices of several women, their written pieces will be signed by their pseudo name or title. The door is open for those who want to speak, by sending an e-mail to the editor* of this page, Lana Nasser.
*An interesting linguistic fact: Editor in arabic is "Muharrir', which is the same word rooted in Hur: free; branches: tahreer, liberation, Muharrir is then also a liberator ... the written word = freedom.)
I have received a few letters from women expressing their desire to publish their articles and thoughts on this site. They are unable to make their voices heard otherwise, for various reasons. Since the aim of this page is to provide a 'microphone', from today onwards, December 31,2010, this site will include the voices of several women, their written pieces will be signed by their pseudo name or title. The door is open for those who want to speak, by sending an e-mail to the editor* of this page, Lana Nasser.
*An interesting linguistic fact: Editor in arabic is "Muharrir', which is the same word rooted in Hur: free; branches: tahreer, liberation, Muharrir is then also a liberator ... the written word = freedom.)