My first dutch language publication is out!
Mijn eerste Nederlandstalige publikate. De eerst van een serie fabels.
"De Paardenbloemkamer"
A short children's story in the book
"4321....Lees: Verdwalen in Verhalen"
The book is the fruit of a wonderful project by the Lionsclub Venlo, aimed at encouraging children to read and write... and most importantly, to imagine.
Children from 27 schools in Venlo were asked for story ideas.
43 ideas were chosen.
Those were given to writers to inspire them to make a story,
and then to artists to make an illustration.
The result, a wonderful book full of imagination.
Venlo might be a little city, but it it's een stedje with big ideas.
Photo from the book launch in Domani, Venlo on 23 November, 2016
with Tristan Thijsen (our idea-maker) and Floor Kurstjens (illustrator)
De Paardenbloemkamer: is a story about dreaming, facing one's fears, and growing up. The title means: The dandelion Room. It's all in one word, because one can do that in dutch ... you can't imagine how long one word can be...
So, Paardenbloem means Dandelion, but if you break the word in two you get:
"Paarden" and "Bloem."
Paarden means horses, and bloem means flower .... (yes, my love of lamguage has found a good outlet in Dutch!)
So... the horse-flower... might give you an idea where my story flies to... but I won't say too much ... you have to read it.
"But it's in Dutch you might say.".. Indeed it is... one day I might just translate it... till then, you just have to sit with the curiosity.