The lessons that mother nature tells us are boundless. Endless.
In the most simple ways, she gives us clues to living.
In a storm, you don't have to worry about trees that move with the wind like the pine, it's the ones that are completely solid that could fall.
Moving with the wind verses being stiff:
Adapting, going with, accepting, letting go, empathising, accommodating, flexible. These trees stay rooted.
You know the feeling - of trying to stay standing against all odds until you fall on your face.
Literally in my case:
When I was a little girl, I had the habit of falling unconscious. When I went with it, my body would collapse gently onto the floor. When I'd try to resist, I'd fall flat like a board and scar my face.
The fainting was sometimes caused by sunstroke, or the burning lights of the TV studio. I do not take well to heat, in spite of my middle eastern blood.
I sometimes brought fainting onto myself - without intent. I was a bit of a shaytaneh as a kid, or something of a monkey, trying to climb the wall, drink water too fast and send it in the wrong tube, fly over a chair and miss and get a clap on my chest and fall... etc.
Since then, I have learnt how not to knock myself out (be safer with risk taking- know my limits; take time drinking water; breath; do things consciously. As for avoiding fainting from external causes like sun or sickness.. I learnt to immediately lay on my back on the ground as soon as I feel it coming on. Of course, the best thing to do is to avoid having to faint all together. Taking care of the self (eat well, sleep enough, rest, not do crazy things, avoid too much sun... etc.)
It the same with trees - falling could be avoided... or at least delayed.
Stewards of the forest learn to see the dangers before they arrive, pruning the trees that need to be pruned so that they do not fall, or that if they do fall, they won't take down the house with them. Removing the bad trees and planting good ones in their place. Tending the forest. Sometimes trees fall and there's nothing to do about it... but for all the other ones, it's worth the time. It takes a lot of time and work... but if we take care of her, she takes care of us.
Thank you nature.